
​​​​​​Hyden Zakheim, LLP​

Attorneys at Law

(925) 831-0636

Providing effective representation locally, since 1991.

Estate Planning and Administrations During Shelter-in-Place 

Estate Planning and Administrations during Shelter-in-Place

We at Hyden-Zakheim, LLP, like all of us, are doing our best to flatten the curve and slow the spread of the novel coronavirus.  Pursuant to the Bay Area and California wide Shelter in Place Orders, we are offering only limited services as needed for emergency matters and essential functions.  As a result, we have discontinued all in-person meetings, unless they fall within the new, expanded order.  In order to protect our employees’ health and safety, our staff is working remotely and our offices are closed to the general public.  These measures will be in place until we receive guidance from government that they are no longer required for continued public safety. 

Beginning, May 3, 2020 and continuing through May 31, 2020, the Contra Costa County Shelter in Place Order has been expanded to allow, “[p]rofessional services, such as legal notary, or accounting services, when necessary to assist in compliance with non-elective, legally required activities in relation to death or incapacity.”

If you have a question regarding probate, incapacity, estate planning, trusts, or the recent death of a loved one, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.  We have added new, additional functioning to allow for remote, web-based meetings and consultations.  If you have a computer, tablet, or phone with internet access we can now offer web-based meetings so that you can continue to shelter in place but also get the answers you may need at this time.  If you do not have a computer, tablet, or phone with internet access and have telephone access, we can also schedule a teleconference.

Please note that while we are providing an essential service, you must first make an appointment for any in-person meetings to ensure that the meeting falls within the health department guidelines and that mandated precautions are taken (e.g., face mask and other precautionary measures).  Please note however, that the vast majority of appointments can be accomplished via web-based meetings or via telephone.

Please contact us at (925) 831-0636, (510) 566-9918, or at ae@hydenzakheimlaw.com to request more information or to schedule an appointment.  Because of the limited scope of operations during this time, you may receive a faster response via email than via telephone.  We are returning phone calls as quickly as we are able to and generally within a business day.  If you are experiencing an emergency, call 911.

We understand the anxiety you are experiencing during this unprecedented time, we are experiencing it too.  We are more than happy to share our knowledge and expertise in the areas of estate planning, trust and probate administrations to help alleviate some of the uncertainty.  Our comprehensive estate plans allow you to have peace of mind so that you can focus on other important matters.  If you would like more information regarding our estate plans, trusts, or probates, please feel free to browse through our website.

We wish you and your loved ones continued health during this time.

--the Estate Planning Team at Hyden Zakheim, LLP


If you would like more information about the Covid-19 Contra Costa County Shelter in Place Order issued by the Contra Costa County Health Officer, please click here: 


For more information regarding the California State Shelter in Place Order (Covid-19, Stay Home Except for Essential Needs), click here:
